News 2022

31 December

Yet another year has come to its end, and we look back at a year with some highs but also with some lows.

This year our Foppa, C.I.B. Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact ended up as Top-3 and Best black-spotted Dalmatian in Sweden.

This year we were joined by two new bitches whose pedigrees goes back to our dogs but each with something new to bring to the equation. We imported the Foppa-daugther Tamilanda Instant Sparkle - Patsy, from Donna Whincup in the UK, and Lacillas Marmelade - Lexi, a daugther of the beautiful Lacillas Glory Days, moved all the way from Bleking to Skåne.

This years lowest point was when we had to make the difficult decision to let go of our darling Rocco - BISS C.I.B. NordCh KLBCh DEROJSG-13 Dalspots Coach Master. Rocco has given us so much, he was the best companion, a successful show and stud dog, and an incredible leader of our pack. I am proud to have bred him, and grateful to have owned him.

We attended fewer shows this year but still had some really nice results, and we got 2 new champions this year:

Kira -Olrif Zone of Pure Love is now SE & DK UCh DKJUCh NJV-19 DKJV-19 KBHV-19 KBHJV-19 Olrif Zone of Pure Love

Milton is now SE UCh Dalspots Inside Story

Also this year we had some nice results at Club shows:

Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOS at the Swedish Club show in Skara. He was also BOB day 2 at the Swedish Dalmatian Club's 60th Anniversary shows in Tånga Hed at the 'Ann-Marie Hammarlunds Memorial Club show'. This is the 2nd Rocco-offspring to win BOB at this Memorial Club show, Maya - Ch Orion's Belt Claim to Fame was BOB both 2016 and 2017.

Tamilanda Instant Sparkle was BOB-puppy day 1 in Tånga Hed, and Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-puppy both at the Swedish Club show in Helsingborg and the Danish Club Show in Stevns.

Shows 2022

- DKJUCH Olrif Zone Of Pure Love was BOS with CAC at Gotland National Dog Show, after her litter 17 weeks ago.

- Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-puppy at Herning International dog show.

- Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-puppy at Växjö International dog show.

- Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-baby at the Danish Club show in Stevns.

- Dalspots Inside Story gained his last crowning CAC and became a SE UCh at Högbo IDS.

- Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-puppy at the Swedish Club show in Helsingborg

- DKJUCH Olrif Zone Of Pure Love was BOS with CAC at Gotland Nordic Dog Show, and thereby SE & DKCh.

- Dalspots In Harmony was BOS with CAC and Nordic CAC at Ronneby Nordic Dog show.

- Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOB at the Swedish Ann-Marie Hammarlund Memorial Club show in Tånga Hed.

- Tamilanda Instant Sparkle was BOB-puppy at the Swedish Dalmatian Club shows in Tånga Hed.

- Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOB and Group 2 at Tvååker National dog show.

- Tamilanda Instant Sparkle was BOB-puppy and Group 2 at Sydskånska KK's open show in Bosjökloster.

- Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOS at the Swedish Club show in Skara.


Dalspots King Arthur was entered in puppy class at 2 International shows, Växjö and Herning-1. He was BOB-puppy at both.

25 Sep

Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-baby today at the Danish Club show in Stevns. His sister Dalspots Kinky Boots was 2nd in 3-6 months, while Spotdog's Love Letter (daugther of Ch Dalspots Hot Gossip) won the class and was BOS-baby. Judge was Jurgen Rotsch, Germany.

18 Sep

We have a new champion!! SEUCh Dalspots Inside Story became champion at Högbo International dog show today. Congratulations to owner Helene Rättvall!!

11 Sep

Proud of Foppas son Vic - WW-20 EUJW-21 Puntinato Ballante Tic Tac Terror - who won BOB at the Belgian 60th Anniversary Club Show today. Judges were Liliane de Ridder and Jean Paul Achtergael, both breeder judges.

10-11 Sep

At the National Dog Show in Falsterbo, our Tamilanda Instant Sparkle was BOS-puppy and her father 3rd best male. Judge was Martin Johansson.

At the Swedish Club show in Helsingborg, our Dalspots King Arthur was BOB-puppy from the 4-6 months class and out of 12 puppies. His brother Dalspots Knight Traveler placed 3rd with HP in the class. Sisters Dalspots Kinky Boots and Dalspots Klassic Black placed 1st and 2nd with HP in the 4-6 months bitch class. Dalspots Kinky Boots ended up as 2nd best puppy bitch. Tamilanda Instant Sparkle was 2nd with HP in the 6-9 months class. In a very strong champion class bitches, Dalspots Hot Gossip placed 4th with CK and Ch Olrif Zone of Pure Love 5th with CK, shown for the 1st time in champion class. Judge was Aase Jacobsen.

27-28 Aug

We have a new champion!! Kira and Amanda went to 2x Gotlands KK's dog shows over the weekend, and was BOS both days with 2x CAC and 1x Nordic CAC. So now Olrif Zone of Pure Love is a SE & DKCh. She is in amazing shape considering she had 13 puppies only 17 weeks ago...

23 Aug

Today I visited kennel Lacillas to help photograph the 5 weeks old puppies from Dalspots Glory Days and Ch Special Agent Snoopy Vom Hause Picolino. An all liver litter of very high and even quality, well worth all Cecilias efforts!! Here are pictures of mum and dad, as well as 4 of my favourites.  

14 Aug

Today Dalspots In Harmony was BOS with CAC and Nordic CAC at Ronneby Nordic dog show. Well done Madga and Jazza!!

6 Aug

Today Dalspots Inside Story won his second CAC and BOB at Svenstavik NDS. Well done Helene and Milton!!

16-17 July

Had a great weekend at the Swedish Dalmatian Club's 60th Anniversary shows in Tånga Hed. Day 1 our puppy Tamilanda Instant Sparkle won BOB-puppy under judge Matti Luoso, Finland. Day 2 our boy Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact won BOB at Ann-Marie Hammarlunds Memorial Club show, judge was Manola Poggesi, Italy. Ch Orion's Belt Claim to Fame placed 3rd and 2nd in champion class with CK.

This is the 2nd Rocco-offspring to win BOB at this Memorial Club show, Maya was BOB 2016 and 2017.

8 July

Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOB and Group 2 in group 4/6 at Tvååker National dog show. Dalspots Java Bean was shown for the first time and won her junior class with CK, and end up as 3rd best bitch. Judge was Rony Doedijns from Holland.

25 June

So proud of Foppa's son EuW-21 Puntinato Ballante Tic Tac Terror who was World Winner 2020 in Madrid 2022 today, and BOS. Here he is to the right with the WW-2020 and BOB bitch (A Step Ahead iz Terletskoy Dubravy - half-sister to his mum) and best veteran (Nefrit S Nevskih Ostrovov - his maternal grandfather).

In addition, both World winners were sired by Spotdog's males (Ch Spotdog's Freaky Friday and Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact) and thereby grandchildren to two different Dalspots males (Sweetspots Top Gun and Ch Dalspots Coach Master). The collaboration between Dalspots and Spotdog's is productive!

12 May

8 May

Today at the Swedish Championship show in Skara our boy Ch Spotdog's Instant Impact was BOS. BOB was Kira's daghter All About Spots Black Velvet with CAC. Second best bitch with res-CAC was Dalspots Glory Days.

28 April

The FCI diploma for Foppa's international championship title arrived and is now framed, making this our 8th C.I.B.